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Adrenal Health and Bio-Identical Progesterone Cream

Adrenal Health and Bio-Identical Progesterone Cream

If you feel happy and well, have steady energy and emotions, sleep soundly seven to nine hours a night, wake up feeling rested, recover well from stress, and maintain a healthy weight without constantly dieting, then your adrenals are probably doing well. If, however, your energy lags during the day, you feel emotionally unbalanced, you sleep poorly, accumulated fat in your belly just won’t budge, you rely on caffeine or carbohydrates as pick-me-ups throughout the day, consider these “adrenal red flags”.

By midlife, most women experience compromised adrenal function ranging from adrenal stress to complete exhaustion. If you’re experiencing fatigue, insomnia, weight gain or depression, you’re likely one of them. The effects of adrenal dysfunction can be profound: fatigue and weakness, suppression of the immune system, muscle and bone loss, moodiness or depression, hormonal imbalance, skin problems, autoimmune disorders, and dozens of other symptoms.   

Many of the signs and symptoms of compromised adrenal function actually mimic those commonly associated with perimenopause and menopause, making it easy to pass them off as “just hormones.” To effectively reduce and/or eliminate these symptoms requires addressing their core cause, which is very often your tired adrenal glands demanding your attention. 

Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue

• Fatigue

• Feeling tired despite sufficient hours of sleep

• Insomnia

• Weight gain

• Depression

• Hair loss

• Acne

• Reliance on stimulants like caffeine

• Cravings for carbohydrates or sugars

• Poor immune function

• Intolerance to cold

Related Conditions

• Fibromyalgia

• Hypothyroidism

• Chronic fatigue syndrome

• Arthritis

• Premature menopause

The role of the Adrenal Glands

The adrenal glands are walnut-sized glands located on top of each kidney, and are important control centers for many of the body’s hormones. The outer layer of the gland, called the adrenal cortex, produces hormones including cortisol, DHEA, estrogen and testosterone. The centers of the glands produce the hormones adrenaline and cortisol.

The basic task of your adrenal glands is to rush all your body’s resources into “fight or flight” mode by increasing production of adrenaline and other hormones. When healthy, your adrenals can instantly increase your heart rate and blood pressure, release your energy stores for immediate use, slow your digestion and other secondary functions, and sharpen your senses.

Stress, Cortisol and the Adrenals

Unlike our ancestors, we live with constant stress in all aspects of our lives. Instead of occasional, acute demands followed by rest, we’re constantly over-worked, under-nourished, exposed to environmental toxins, caring for elders, raising children, and the list goes on.

Every challenge to the mind and body creates a demand on the adrenal glands. And the list of challenges often seem endless: lack of sleep, a demanding boss, the threat of losing your job, financial pressures, personality conflicts, yo-yo dieting, relationship turmoil, death or illness of a loved one, skipping meals, reliance on stimulants like caffeine and carbs, digestive problems, over-exercise, illness or infection, unresolved emotional issues from our past or present and more. The result is adrenal glands that are constantly on high alert.

Sustained high levels of cortisol gradually tears your body down, destroying healthy muscle and bone, slowing normal cell regeneration, thwarting bio-chemicals needed to make other vital hormones, impairing digestion, metabolism and mental function, interfering with healthy endocrine function and weakening your immune system. 

Healing the Adrenal Glands

Healing the adrenal glands takes time and requires a comprehensive approach. Practicing stress reduction techniques and modifying your diet are an important foundation to build upon. Nurturing the adrenals with Feminine Balance Therapy is tremendously helpful. And, because our emotions play a significant role in adrenal fatigue, healing unresolved issues from the past that continue to cause anger, sadness, revenge, etc. is essential. Continuing to harbor these emotions will not allow the adrenals to restore to healthy function.

Bio-Identical Progesterone Cream and Adrenal Health

The hormone cortisol, released by the adrenal glands during times of mental, emotional and/or physical stress, literally competes with and depletes progesterone in the body. That’s why most women experience a sharp increase in PMS, perimenopause and menopausal symptoms during or following stressful life events. 

As we age, and the ovaries no longer produce the “happy hormone” progesterone, the adrenal glands are required to work overtime to produce this vital hormone. Progesterone is not only very calming to the nervous system, it promotes healthy adrenal function and overall wellness. As you continue to make positive lifestyle choices, manage your stress, improve your diet and supplement with Feminine Balance Therapy, the adrenal glands begin to function properly and the symptoms associated with adrenal fatigue and exhaustion begin to subside. 

Feminine Balance Therapy safely and effectively restores healthy progesterone levels to support hormonal balance and ease the symptoms associated with PMS, perimenopause and menopause. It is especially helpful for women with an excess of estrogen or “estrogen dominance.” Chemical free with select certified organic herbs, it is formulated to bring excellent results to adult women of all ages.

Formulated to meet Dr. John Lee’s strict criteria, each 1/4 teaspoon of Feminine Balance Therapy provides 20 mg. of bio-identical progesterone. 

Read our Wellness Education article, Stress and Organic Excellence Progesterone Cream

Medical Disclaimer: This information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to replace the advice of a licensed medical doctor. Organic Excellence does not diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If you have or suspect a mental or physical health condition, please see your healthcare provider.

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