Menopause Awareness

October is World Menopause Awareness Month. During World Menopause Month, let’s talk about it openly. It’s a normal, natural part of the aging process, yet many women are still worried about going through menopause. Sure, there are some less desirable symptoms that accompany changing hormones — like hot flashes — but there are also things to celebrate, such as no more periods, PMS, or worrying about unwanted pregnancies. Add to that the increased self-confidence, self-awareness, and greater freedom that menopause often brings, and October can become a time of amazing personal growth and excitement. Embrace it, don’t try to erase it!

Menopause is a natural life transition experienced by every woman in the world in her own unique way. As baby boomers age, an unprecedented number of women are reaching menopause every day. Still, many remain unsure when “the change” will occur, what to expect, how to prepare for it and how to safely and effectively address their symptoms. Unfortunately, people don’t talk openly about menopause, medical doctors often approach it as a “disease”, and this is not the menopause experienced by the generation before us.

Yes, this is a natural life transition, but our modern world isn’t such a natural place. Estrogen mimicking xenoestrogens and endocrine disrupting chemicals in our foods, the environment and the products we use, coupled with our stressful lifestyles, makes this the first generation to experience extreme estrogen dominance. As a result, this once brief transition can now span 5-15 years of your life.

Far beyond mood swings, hot flashes and the end of your child bearing years, the journey through perimenopause and menopause impacts every aspect of your life – mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. It’s important to remember that your significant other, children, friends, family and co-workers will all be affected by the changes you experience too. Clearly, becoming more aware of menopause and discovering ways to navigate through the years ahead will enhance the quality of your life and those around you.

Understanding the Phases of “The Change”

Perimenopause: The years leading to actual menopause are known as perimenopause. The beginning of this phase is marked by a decrease in progesterone which allows estrogen to become the dominant hormone. This hormonal imbalance triggers the onset of symptoms including irregular periods, heavy bleeding, mood swings, breast tenderness and more. 

Menopause: The word menopause refers to a point in time rather than a span of years. A woman “reaches” menopause when 12 consecutive months have passed without a menstrual cycle. As menopause approaches, estrogen levels begin to drop. After the wildly fluctuating hormones during perimenopause, this phase often brings a sense of balance. However, dropping estrogen levels also introduce new symptoms and new risks for hormone and age related health conditions.

Post-menopause: Post-menopause refers to all of the years of your life following a full 12 months without a menstrual cycle. Today, the average woman lives one third of her life after menopause. Hormone related health concerns increase, such as breast cancer, osteoporosis, heart disease and vaginal prolapse. Women can take command of these health risks by utilizing the many prevention strategies available and initiating positive lifestyle changes now.

Hormone Related Health Conditions

Since the entire endocrine system is affected by the extreme hormonal changes taking place during perimenopause, it should come as no surprise that hormone related health conditions increase in midlife women. These can include hypothyroidism, blood sugar disorders, adrenal fatigue, elevated cholesterol, ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids and breast cancer.

Bio-identical Progesterone Cream – A Simple Solution

By now, we’re all aware of the health risks associated with HRT. Despite FDA approval, the medications we thought would bring symptom relief, protect our hearts, prevent osteoporosis and lower the risk of breast cancer were found to do more harm than good.

The Organic Excellence Bio-identical Progesterone Creams were formulated to meet the strict criteria outlined by Dr. John R. Lee, MD. in his bestselling book, “What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause”. Identical to the progesterone naturally produced by the body, they offer a simple solution to safely and effectively restore hormonal balance, ease your symptoms, help protect you from hormone related health conditions and assure you of a more pleasant menopause transition, mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.

Women in perimenopause with an excess of estrogen will benefit greatly from Feminine Balance Therapy, our progesterone cream without phytoestrogens. For those in menopause and beyond, Balance Plus Therapy (with added phytoestrogens) can help relieve hot flashes and other symptoms of too little estrogen.

According to Dr. John R. Lee, MD., the effects of bio-identical progesterone include:

  • Natural anti-depressant
  • Helps use fat for energy
  • Aids weight loss naturally
  • Relieves anxiety
  • Prevents cyclical migraines
  • Promotes normal sleep patterns
  • Facilitates thyroid hormone function
  • Helps normalize blood sugar levels
  • Normalizes blood clotting
  • Calms the nervous system
  • Helps restore normal libido
  • Normalizes zinc and copper levels
  • Natural diuretic
  • Protects against fibrocystic breasts
  • Restores proper cell oxygen levels
  • Prevents endometrial cancer
  • Helps prevent breast cancer
  • Stimulates new bone formation
  • Improves vascular tone
  • Prevents autoimmune diseases
  • Increases sensitivity of estrogen receptors
  • Precursor of corticosteroid biosynthesis
  • Prevents coronary artery spasm and atherosclerotic plaque

Medical Disclaimer: This information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to replace the advice of a licensed medical doctor. Organic Excellence does not diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If you have or suspect a mental or physical health condition, please see your healthcare provider.


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