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Sugar, Inflammation and Joint Pain

Most of us consume far more sugar than we really should. Beyond weight gain, you might be feeling sugars effects without realizing it’s the culprit. Fatigue, stress, irritability, mood swings, difficulty sleeping and joint pain can all be attributed to sugar. Even if you avoid candy, pie, soda, alcohol and ice cream, sugars are hidden in many of the foods and drinks we consume on a daily basis. Crackers, yogurt, ketchup, and peanut butter, to name a few, are loaded with sugar, often in the form of high-fructose corn syrup. And, don’t forget that simple carbohydrates like pasta, potatoes and white rice quickly convert into sugar in your body.

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Americans consume between 100 – 180 pounds of sugar each year. Only about 29 pounds is directly from the sugar bowl while the rest comes from foods and drinks. The types of sugars are refined white sugar, brown sugar, raw sugar, high fructose corn syrup, malt syrup, sucrose, fructose, dextrose, molasses, fruit juice concentrate, honey and simple carbohydrates. Every time you consume as little as two teaspoons of sugar, you upset your body chemistry and disrupt homeostasis, the wonderful balance in the body needed for maintenance, repair and life itself.Joint Pain and Inflammation

There is a direct connection between sugar, inflammation and joint pain. Inflammation is the immune system’s healthy response to restore the affected area to normal following an injury, irritation or infection. However, in response to high sugar intake, which includes simple carbohydrates, the body is flooded with insulin and stress hormones. These inundate your blood supply triggering the inflammation process which creates stress and pain on your organs and joints. The less sugar you eat, the less inflammation you will experience, and the stronger your immune system will be to protect you from infectious and degenerative diseases.

Many things can lead to chronic joint pain, but more often than not, inflammation is the cause with sugars being its greatest antagonist. The pain you feel in your stiff, achy joints is your body’s way of letting you know that inflammation exists. Instead of turning to side-effect laden pain medications and over-the-counter pills, listen to the message your pain is sending. It’s time to reduce your intake of sugars and provide your body with what it needs both nutritionally and topically to reduce inflammation and function properly. Your long-term wellness depends on it.

Beyond joint pain, the typical, high-in-sugar, inflammation causing American diet can easily be associated with an increase of atherosclerosis, cancer, obesity, diabetes, congestive heart failure, digestive system diseases, arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease and osteoporosis in our society. Sugar also contributes to premature aging in adults and behavior problems in children. Staying away from sugar and simple carbohydrates is one of the best ways to decrease inflammation and improve your overall health and well being.Dietary Changes to Reduce Inflammation and Joint Pain

Limit your intake of simple carbohydrates like breads and cereals processed with added sugar, corn, french fries, fruit juices, pancakes, pasta, popcorn, and white rice, etc. It might even be valuable to avoid the Nightshades, such as white potatoes, eggplant, tomatoes, and peppers as these foods can also increase some individuals joint pain. Sodas and alcohol are also very high in sugar and should be consumed in moderation.

Concentrate on all the beneficial, flavorful fruits and vegetables that will help build your body. Complex carbohydrates like apples, asparagus, beans, broccoli, blackberries, blueberries, cabbage, cantaloupe, green beans, honeydew melon, kiwi, leafy greens, peaches, pears, plums, raspberries, spinach, and strawberries.

Add good sources of protein to your diet like salmon, cod, halibut, snapper, tuna, turkey, chicken (without skin) and lean beef and pork. Soy products (NON-GMO) are also a great source of protein along with eggs, low fat cottage cheese, milk and yogurt. Both omega 6 (GLA) and omega 3 (fish oils) help reduce inflammation. GLA is found in leafy green vegetables and dietary supplements.

Similarly, oleic acid, an omega-9 fat found in olive oil, walnut oil, sunflower oil, soybean oil, avocados, nut butters and macadamia nuts have great anti-inflammatory properties. It is beneficial to add an essential fatty acid supplement containing EPA and DHA. There are many high quality supplements with antioxidants on the market. These will not only help alleviate the inflammation response, but contribute to overall health by nourishing each cellular membrane.Topical Inflammation and Pain Relief

Organic Excellence offers two gluten and GMO free joint pain relief therapies to provide you with a safe and effective alternative to over-the-counter and prescription medications. Carefully chosen ingredients proven to relieve pain and inflammation are combined to bring fast, noticeable results.

Joint Pain Therapy penetrates deep into your skin to relieve the pain and stiffness associated with degenerative conditions. Use regularly for a long-term increase in joint mobility.

Inflammation Relief Therapy targets the aches, pain and stiffness caused by inflammation with key ingredients like Glucosamine Sulfate, Ginger Root Extract, and Dimethyl Sulfone (MSM). It also brings excellent results when applied to sprains, bruises and soreness caused from over-exertion.

Medical Disclaimer: This information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to replace the advice of a licensed medical doctor. Organic Excellence does not diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If you have or suspect a mental or physical health condition, please see your healthcare provider.

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