
Top 10 Signs of Hormonal Imbalance

Hormones affect every aspect of your wellbeing, from your appetite to your zest for life. Despite their large impact on overall health, hormonal imbalances can be frustratingly difficult to recognize. That’s partly because our hormones must maintain a delicate balance and even a slight shift can have negative repercussions. Key Players in Hormone Balance Think […]

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Hyper or Hypothyroidism: Often Misdiagnosed

Your thyroid is your body’s powerhouse. Your energy levels, metabolism, and heart rate are all controlled by this small, butterfly-shaped gland. Without enough thyroid hormone, your mitochondria aren’t able to produce the energy that your cells need for optimum performance. At the other end of the spectrum, your body can go into “overdrive” if it […]

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Stress, Depression and the 2020 Holiday Season

The holiday season is thought of as a joyful time filled with festivities, family and fun. Unfortunately, for so many, this is far from “The Most Wonderful Time of the Year.” Instead, it can serve as a sharp reminder of their loneliness and lack of connection with others. That’s especially true during the 2020 holiday […]

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Hormonal Balance is the Key to Your Health!

Hormones are produced by nearly a dozen glands and organs known as the endocrine system. The endocrine system secretes hormones into the bloodstream, where they travel throughout the body. Hormones act as chemical messengers and are responsible for relaying critical information to regulate the activity of your cells, tissues, and various organs.  When your hormones […]

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Stress And Your Hormone Balance

Stress has always been an unavoidable part of life. Whether positive or negative, it is the body’s reaction to any situation that requires a physical, mental, or emotional response. The human body reacts to occasional times of stress by releasing epinephrine (a hormone and neurotransmitter known as adrenaline) and cortisol (a corticosteroid hormone) to help […]

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Steps to Embrace Perimenopause and Menopause

1. Adopt a fresh, positive attitude about “the change”. Menopause is a natural life transition experienced by every woman in the world. Toss away any old, outworn beliefs about how “terrible” this time of life is. Adopt a positive attitude by becoming aware of what’s really happening and why. Knowledge is empowerment! Focus on the many […]

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Menopause Awareness

October is World Menopause Awareness Month. During World Menopause Month, let’s talk about it openly. It’s a normal, natural part of the aging process, yet many women are still worried about going through menopause. Sure, there are some less desirable symptoms that accompany changing hormones — like hot flashes — but there are also things to […]

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